You Never Know Who’s Listening

man-listeningThe other day I was at work, sitting in my cubical across the room from a new employee. I saw the fellow who worked on the computers there walk by. A few minutes later, over my shoulder I told the new employee, “Joey is someone who is really good to get to know…”

From the other side of my cubical I heard, “Yes?”…  Suddenly I realized Joey had walked in when I wasn’t looking and sat where I couldn’t see him. We all chuckled, and I could sense Joey’s appreciation.

I told them how a couple of years earlier, I was talking with a good friend of mine, Kevin, raving about my friend, Shauna. “She’s one of the happiest people I know, and it’s not put on or fake. It’s not that she doesn’t have down days, but she let’s go quickly and is back to her laughing, happy self.”

Kevin stopped, kind of surprised. He said, “I’m so used to people tearing someone down when they talk about someone else, I didn’t expect you to say something nice. I could see him taking my words in. It made us both feel good.

Then, I found this quote this morning and decided to share it with you all: “Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back.” By Blaise Pascal

Kind words and words of appreciation carry high vibrations of love and gratitude and lifts everyone, even those not present. Unkind words about others carry a very low vibration of anger, resentment, and disappointment and brings everyone down.

I encourage you to stop and think about what you share with others about loved ones and friends in your life. Instead of reinforcing negative beliefs about others, think of and share something amazing about them or don’t say anything at all. All energy travels instantly and is shared and returned back to the originator.

Always remember: you never know who’s listening. And always remember your passion!

Love, Maren Nelson