Magic: Tis the Season

MagicianThe other day I was talking to my friend, Nancy, and she said to me, “Do you feel sometimes like you can do magic?” Although I had a feeling about why she was questioning this, I asked her, “What do you mean?”

“You know, like when you know things before they happen…Or when you think about someone and they call or you run into them somewhere.”

I hesitated and then answered with, “I’m not sure how to answer that…” I hesitated again and looked at her. “If you’re talking about how the world says those kinds of experiences are strange or unnatural, the answer is ‘yes’. If you’re talking about how I really see them, the answer is ‘no’.

“A Course In Miracles would say those experiences are natural, and when we’re not experiencing them, it means something has gone wrong.”

Because we are all One and we are connected to All That Is, we have these experiences. The more we clear ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, the more frequently these experiences happen.

When we heal our minds of limiting beliefs and misperceptions about how we see and experience the world, the walls we have created that lead to separation dissolve. We get to see and experience the magic of life and love with a “Beginner’s Mind.”

We can experience the greatest magic of all as we share ourselves with others during this season of renewal. Remember your passion in this New Year.

Blessings, Maren Nelson