2016: A Year of Completions

New Pic 1 6-29-16As I look back over this year, 2016, I can see that it truly has been a year of completions for me. Funny thing, if you know anything about Numerology, 2016 adds up to a nine. The number nine is the number for completions. The new year, 2017, adds up to a 10 or one; one being new beginnings.

This past year, I’ve been following my guidance to clean up old relationships that I found draining and unfulfilling; anything that was less than loving. With some of them, I delivered communications that needed to be delivered so that we can have loving relationships. There were a few that I let go of completely.

At the first part of September, during the time I was working with my dear friend, Ryan, to resolve computer problems on account of ransomware, I went through all my business and personal things again and got rid of about eight boxes of items I didn’t need anymore. I usually do this about once a year or so, and it was time.

I cleaned out my music and got rid of old CD’s that I didn’t listen to or were damaged. I even cleaned out my database and deleted about 1000 contacts, mostly contacts that I didn’t have email addresses for. After 29 years of doing the Breathwork, some of the information wasn’t valid anymore.

Almost two years ago, I filed a sexual harassment report with the EEOC on a company, and that’s coming to completion. For me, that was a huge statement that I won’t allow anyone to treat me with anything less than the love and respect that everyone deserves. I now allow only loving, supportive, creative, and fun relationships in my life.

I’ve been consciously working on shifting my thinking too. Over the past month, my Guides have been telling me too stop talking about anyone or any situation from my past that brings me down or that I was once upset about. I’ve ended those relationships and done the emotional/spiritual work I needed to find forgiveness. By continuing to talk about those things, I was keeping them alive and keeping myself in a place of lack.

As I look to the New Year, I’m consciously working on staying in the present moment and not getting caught up with things that don’t exist for me anymore. I’ve opened up a huge space in my life.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and if I’m not clear about what I choose to fill that space up with, the Universe will fill it up with something. So, I’ve been having fun setting the energy for what I want that to be and putting the energy into motion.

I’m grateful that my journey has brought me to this pivotal point, and I’m excited to see how 2017 unfolds. I look forward to sharing this adventure with you, and I encourage all of you to remember and live your passion.

Maren Nelson