“The Five Stages of Healing”

I want to thank everyone for your support and prayers over my recent surgery. All went well as I knew it would. The recovery time is taking longer than it might for some people because it was an issue I’ve had as long as I can remember.

Before the surgery, I prayed and asked God and my Spirit Guides to help me to heal as much as I could not just physically, but emotionally too. I knew there would be a lot of energy that I had been holding in my hip that would release before, during and after the surgery, and there was.

In Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ information on death and dying, she reveals the stages a person goes through as they grieve. These five steps: denial, anger, bartering (negotiation), sadness, and acceptance, are also the same steps we go through whenever we let go of anything whether it’s a person, a place, an issue, or a belief.

I’ve seen it happen hundreds of times when a client releases something that is limiting them or holding them back, and they still experience the same steps. For instance, they may feel a deep sadness about letting go of a belief that they’re not good enough and wonder why they feel this way. It can feel like letting go of an old friend even though it’s something they want to let go of. I let them know this is all part of the process. I encourage them to feel the sadness, and let go.

I experienced these steps with my surgery. The problem in my hip had been with me so long, it felt like a part of who I was. In allowing the process to happen, it meant I would have to shift how I see myself in some ways. This shift in self-identity is an experience of letting go of who I thought I was so that I can open to being more of all that I can be. I have experienced the full range of emotions with this, but I know it’s important that I do so that I can move on.

As we begin to heal emotionally, we will experience a shift in self-identity. Some people may be afraid that, “If I let this go, then who am I?” That can feel very threatening to many people and they stop the work. However, if we stay with the process and shift how we’re seeing it, the experience can be the adventure of our lives. And don’t forget to remember your passion.

Best, Maren Nelson
Life Breath Integrations