Remember to Breathe!

What is the first thing you do when you are afraid?

You hold your breath.

What’s the first you do when you feel strong and in your power?

You take a deep breath.

Breathing is a metaphor for how you live your life.

Become aware of anytime you catch yourself holding your breath.

When you do, train yourself to take a deep breath.

Make it a habit so that it becomes automatic.

Whenever you hold your breath, you are pushing fear and toxins down into your body where they become trapped in your cells. That negative, toxic energy congests over time and puts stress on your body. Eventually, your body will break down with disease.

Whenever you take a deep breath, you are taking in life-force energy, or prana, which forces out anything of a lower energy such as toxins, along with perceptions and emotions based in fear.

The breath will oxygenate your blood and organs, and strengthen your immune system.

Remember to breathe, and fill your lungs with the gift of life!

Blessings to you, and your loved ones and friends during this time of rapid changes.

Check out my online Breathwork sessions, Emotional Coaching, and other online services.

I’m available to support you emotionally during this time of crisis.

And remember to live your passion,

Maren Nelson