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“Emotions and Present Time”

You may be wondering how being in the present moment has anything to do with emotions. The only emotion you are capable of in present time is love. If you’re experiencing anything other than love (or similar emotions), you’re not in present time. You’re either in the past or the future and neither of them exist right now.

I used to spend a lot of time in the past. It was a habit, and I wasn’t even aware I was doing it most of the time. I didn’t know I had identified with things that I had experienced as that was who I was. I can honestly say in many ways I saw myself as a victim. Believing that about myself did not add to my happiness in any way.

When I became conscious of this, I simply made a decision I didn’t want to be a victim anymore. By changing my perception of myself, I could change my experiences in the present moment. To do so, I had to take responsibility for my life.

I made a decision that I wanted to create my life in such a way I’d want to be here now in this body, on this planet. I said a prayer to ask God to help me with this. I worked hard on forgiving my past and some of the people involved, and most of all myself. As I did, I noticed not only was I a lot more present to each, new moment and what was happening for me, I was enjoying my life a whole lot more too. I felt more and more gratitude simply for what is, and gratitude is the basis for creating the next moment and the next to be more fulfilling, joyful and fun.

Of course, some times things happen in life that can throw me off, but the more present I am, the better I can handle life’s challenges. I can more easily move into solutions instead of staying stuck in the complaint. Then, I can get back into gratitude as I see those challenges are all part of my growth, and they don’t throw me off the way they used to…well, until they do, and I have to work at it again. But hey, that’s the beauty of life. We keep growing and healing our perceptions (which are based on the past and what we’ve been taught), and it does get easier.

In this moment, what brings me pleasure is to share with you now. It is my passion and my purpose to share love. And I will always remind you to remember your passion.

Best, Maren Nelson
Minister of Mind/Body Healing
Life Breath Integrations

“Breath and Emotions”

Air is life and breath, a measure of living. Have you ever noticed the first thing you do when you’re afraid is that you hold your breath? And the first thing you do when you feel strong and in your power? You take a deep breath. You suppress emotions by shutting down your breathing. Shallow breathing is a sure sign you are in fear and not in present time. If your breathing is shallow, so is your life.

Many of us are shallow breathers. We were taught to suppress our emotions early on in life. We have frequently heard commands such as, “Don’t cry”, “You shouldn’t feel that way”, etc. When we suppress our emotions, all the energy that goes into them doesn’t magically disappear. It gets pushed into our bodies and trapped at a cellular level and congests over time. This puts a lot of stress on us and eventually, our bodies break down with disease.

There is an extremely simple trick I have shared with many of my friends and clients over the years, and I’m glad to share it with you now. Every time (and I mean every time) you catch yourself holding your breath, remind yourself to take a deep breath. Start training yourself immediately! Don’t stop until you don’t have to even remind yourself anymore, and it becomes unconscious and a habit!

A good friend and client of mine who is running a few successful businesses told me this is one of the most powerful things I’ve shared with him. He’ll be sitting in a business meeting, and he’ll look around the room at the other people. Everyone else seems to be holding their breath with fear and stress. He’ll remember to take a deep breath and immediately, feels his energy open up, and he relaxes. He’s able to get into the present moment where everyone is more effective.

Breathing is a metaphor for how we live our lives. Remember to breathe in the gift of life, and don’t forget to…

Remember your passion!

Best, Maren Nelson
Minister of Mind/Body Healing
Life Breath Integrations

“Riding the Emotional Wave”

I’ve been putting a lot of thought into coming up with a title for what I want to share with you here. Where do you start with a topic like, “How to work with and clear emotions”? Emotional Mastery popped into my mind. So…what does emotional mastery mean?

When I think of emotions, I think of their similarity with water: there are ebbs and flows…sometimes calm and quiet, sometimes wild and out of control. Some people are flooded with emotions while others have learned to live with a drought.

When I think of emotional mastery, I think of a surfer who goes out for the first time to learn to “ride the wave”. She rests on the water, waiting for that perfect swell. Then, she paddles out wildly to try to meet it. She gets on top of her board and tries to control it…the water rises…she feels a momentary rush of energy run through her body…and CRASH!!!…she plummets into the depths. Hurt, but still hopeful, she tries again. As she struggles to her feet, she feels her board wobble on this next wave. She tries to control it again…and…down she goes!

If he keeps at it, he gradually gets the hang of things. He allows others “in the know” to guide him in the process. Now, when he goes out on the water to surf, he looks ahead and sees that perfect wave. With strength, purpose and direction, he swims toward his goal. His legs have developed so that as he steps onto the board, he can better maneuver it as he feels the water rise under him. He no longer tries to control his experience but knows how to ride it through. He works with it. He feels exhilarated as he realizes he and the water are one. He has learned to master the wave!

Learning to work with your emotions is just like this. When you first start out, you’re bound to get knocked around a bit. As the floodgates open, the gush of suppressed emotions from a lifetime may feel overwhelming. However, as you keep going, it gets easier.

As you become more and more clear, you trust your emotional guidance system. Your eyes and your heart are open, and you make better choices. The old drama gradually disappears as you remember you can choose peace instead of conflict. You are aware of the daily miracles being sent your way often in places you never expected. Your emotions add the color and flavor to life and, now, you relish them. I encourage you on your journey. Remember your passion!

Best, Maren Nelson
Minister of Mind/Body Healing
Life Breath Integrations