A Gift of Love Is Never Lost

Something I’ve had the opportunity to learn through my work with clients in Connected Breathing and in my life is that a gift of love is never lost. This lesson hasn’t always been an easy one to fully understand.

The Breathwork I do can take people to a very deep emotional level. Most people have been taught to suppress emotions and when they begin to surface during sessions (or in their lives), some people get really scared. Many people will use anger to cover their fear.

Some of those people are so afraid, they are not willing to take responsibility for their fear, and they lash out. They will either make me or the process wrong and leave. I’ve had to learn not to take this personally no matter how adamant they are about it.

When I first started working with clients and this happened, this was difficult and disappointing for me. My intent was to create a space for healing to occur. In my heart, I was offering my love.

Over time I realized that when a person cannot receive my love because of their fear, the gift is never lost. God and our guides and Teachers will hold my offering until the person is ready to receive it whether it is ten minutes from now, ten years or ten lifetimes. I may never see the client or person I’ve been dealing with again, but somehow, somewhere my gift of love will be accepted.

Allow yourself to remember your passion during this Holiday Season.

Best, Maren Nelson
Minister of Mind/Body Healing
Life Breath Integrations