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$20I read this recently and really wanted to share it with you here:

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this” He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still the hands were up in the air.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty “Now who still wants it.?” Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.

“We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special – Don’t ever forget it!” ~Unknown Author


When we understand the true value of others (and ourselves), we can look beyond the image of what we believe we are based on what we have done or what we think we have done to the truth of what we are which is love.

We then can see and know this truth and let go of illusions that are meaningless. Then we know a peace of mind that cannot be disturbed.

During this holiday season, I encourage you to remember this so that you can know and share the greatest gift possible: that is that we are all love…and, of course, always remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren Nelson

You Never Know Who’s Listening

man-listeningThe other day I was at work, sitting in my cubical across the room from a new employee. I saw the fellow who worked on the computers there walk by. A few minutes later, over my shoulder I told the new employee, “Joey is someone who is really good to get to know…”

From the other side of my cubical I heard, “Yes?”…  Suddenly I realized Joey had walked in when I wasn’t looking and sat where I couldn’t see him. We all chuckled, and I could sense Joey’s appreciation.

I told them how a couple of years earlier, I was talking with a good friend of mine, Kevin, raving about my friend, Shauna. “She’s one of the happiest people I know, and it’s not put on or fake. It’s not that she doesn’t have down days, but she let’s go quickly and is back to her laughing, happy self.”

Kevin stopped, kind of surprised. He said, “I’m so used to people tearing someone down when they talk about someone else, I didn’t expect you to say something nice. I could see him taking my words in. It made us both feel good.

Then, I found this quote this morning and decided to share it with you all: “Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back.” By Blaise Pascal

Kind words and words of appreciation carry high vibrations of love and gratitude and lifts everyone, even those not present. Unkind words about others carry a very low vibration of anger, resentment, and disappointment and brings everyone down.

I encourage you to stop and think about what you share with others about loved ones and friends in your life. Instead of reinforcing negative beliefs about others, think of and share something amazing about them or don’t say anything at all. All energy travels instantly and is shared and returned back to the originator.

Always remember: you never know who’s listening. And always remember your passion!

Love, Maren Nelson

Your Magic Genie

GenieWhat if you were suddenly bestowed with a magic genie who informed you that you are not guilty, or bad, or anything other than a magnificent being? What if this genie was able to convince you of this no matter what you previously believed about yourself? How would that information change your life? Perhaps you would feel like you’ve got a fresh start to do things differently…better.

It’s like a veil has been lifted with what the genie told you. You go out into your day with your head held high knowing that you are a light and a positive influence in the world. Everyone you see recognizes the love in you and you see it in them. You know they are not the negative or limited beings they believed they were also.

What if I were to tell you this is already true? Well, it is.

Whenever you have a thought that is negative, limiting, or judgmental in any way you are in our ego mind. The ego will never, ever tell you the truth.

There is a plaque at the office I use in Los Angeles that reads, “Guilt does not make us good.”

The essence of what you are can never be touched or changed or damaged in any way. It will always be pure love. Whether the ego has told you that you’re better than anyone else or less than, doesn’t make it true. You can believe the lies your ego tells you, but that will never change your essence of pure love.

God already knows this to be true about you and everyone. So does that quiet voice within you that speaks for God. Some people might call this voice the Holy Spirit, your Higher Self, or your Spirit Guides and angels.

Why not change your mind and let go of your suffering of guilt now? Remember you don’t have to do that alone.

Ask God and your Guides to help you to see things differently about yourself and the world, and I promise you will. There may be a process to shifting your perception, so hold on for the ride, and allow the healing to occur.

Ask for help and guidance from people who understand what is happening with you and know how to assist your process of re-awakening to your true Self. I guarantee that if you are committed to changing your mind and letting go of guilt, your life will change for the better; in fact, far better than you ever dreamed.

As always I encourage you to remember your passion…

Blessings, Maren Nelson

Unconscious Beliefs & How They Run Our Lives

Computer“Unconscious decisions have consequences. Our assumptions drive our priorities, and in many cases we don’t even acknowledge they are there. Innovation arises from questioning the old assumptions.” ~Bucky Fuller

When we are in denial of your unconscious beliefs, they will continue to run our lives. To bring awareness to those beliefs and to begin to question them, takes courage. We would be going against the status quo and sometimes, what those people we are closest to believe.

Many of the beliefs we carry, including the unconscious ones, were first passed onto us by our primary caretakers, parents and family. Some of them were even passed on to us in our mother’s womb, at birth, and some have been passed on for generations.

As children, we may have misunderstood an experience and interpreted it to mean something negative about ourselves or the world. For example, we may have taken on the belief, “If I have something I love, it will be taken away.”

Not all of our unconscious beliefs are negative. For example, positive beliefs you may have that you’re not aware of may include:
• “I love life. Love and good things come to me easily”
• “I am supported and loved just as I am”
A couple of examples of limiting unconscious beliefs you may have might be:
• “Life is a struggle”
• “People hurt me.”

Reprogramming our negative beliefs is like reprogramming a computer. Through emotional release work, it is possible to bring to our conscious awareness these unconscious beliefs that run our lives. Then, we can make a conscious choice whether we want to hold onto them or replace them with more loving and life-affirming beliefs…with what we truly want to experience.

As you continue to program the new beliefs into your mind, look for and acknowledge those experiences in life that are in alignment with the positive beliefs. When they come, allow yourself to deeply feel the love, joy, excitement or passion that comes with the new experiences.

Those emotions will anchor into your consciousness and being the new beliefs and draw to you more of these positive and life-affirming experiences. You can profoundly change your mind and therefore, your life in this way.

Thousands of you have commented on how my posts have assisted you in your personal and professional lives. For those of you who want more information, exercises and stories in greater detail, I encourage to read my new book, “Ride the Emotional Wave: How to Attract Wealth, Health & Love Through Emotional Mastery.” This book is a workbook and the cornerstone for all of my programs. Just click on the book icon to go to Amazon to get it in paperback. It is also available in E-book for only $1.99. Click on the icons for Kindle, Reader, etc.

I’m in the midst of changing my website to offer you ½ hour and hour long Private Sessions and my Coaching Program. These will be done through Skype where we can record the sessions and you can receive a link to listen to them again and again. I’ll be able to do these over the phone also, however phone sessions will not be recorded.

My Connected Breathing Sessions, Trainings and Workshops need to be done in person.

I’ll keep you posted as to the upcoming changes. I will continue to share regular posts for your enjoyment and learning. In the meantime, always remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren

Our Relationship With God #2

maren nelsonHi, Maren…

No, no, I’m not angry at God. Sometimes getting mad is just what we need to spur us on to the next step. I was angry in general, not at God. And angry in a “this has to stop” kind of way. I took it as a sign, a sign I had been asking for actually. “What can I give up or what can I do differently?” I asked God to make it clear and I believe that’s what happened.

The thing I had to give up was having the security of having a roommate to help with rent and utilities, a roommate to keep me from living alone which is something I really don’t like. I’ve learned to thank God for everything and I am deeply grateful that this happened in order to force me to stand up and be brave enough to believe that I can do this.

If anything, I am angry at myself for not being able to get it together faster, for not being able to launch a business which is something I see many other people doing with far less hoopla and in far less time. So being put in a position of having to come up with that extra money just to pay the rent forces me to do things differently.

Individualized or not, I think God forced me hand. And of course I am aware that God is not individualized. God is everything and everything is God. There is but one Energy and I AM that. There is nothing that is not God. There is nothing that is outside of God. But there are also individualized manifestations of that energy and as humans we are but one of those. Or so I believe. And so making a declaration is a powerful thing. Making a commitment is a powerful thing. I have declared that I expect the Entire Company of Heaven to assist and support me in my endeavor. But that can only happen if I assist and support myself in my endeavor…if I continue to believe that I can persevere and succeed. And there are days that I do not believe that. There are days when I do not care one way or the other. So I have also declared that on those days I will remind myself of who I am, that I am part of God, I will forgive myself for being so tired that I do not feel that I am a part of anything, and I will simply refrain from any negative thinking to the best of my ability and simply breathe until I can believe again. And all the while I continue to thank God for all the blessings in my life. And every time I backslide into being discouraged by my lack of something, I have learned to stop myself and say thank you.

I am just doing the best that I can. Do I experience being one with God? No, not really, not since those few brief moments when I was working with you. But I trust that I AM one with God regardless of how I feel and simply continue on. I remind myself that part of the reason I feel separated is because I chose to experience this life and that is just part of the experience I chose to have. Individuation is a miraculous experience if you consider that it is really only possible when we are in these sweet, fragile human forms. So experiencing separation is a blessing and a beautiful experience. Granted, it makes our human existence challenging and heart breaking and riddled with stress and grief. But it also gives us an opportunity to experience Love in a way that is different from God’s infinite Love. It gives us an opportunity to strive for something that is always just out of reach, which is a sweet experience in itself. To find another human being that we love is, I believe, a very different experience than the over-riding Love of pure spirit.

It’s the same with lack. In what other form would we be able to experience Lack? Only in human form. So it must be something we chose to experience. Therefore it must have a benefit. Do I want to continue to experience Lack? Not really. So if that is the case, then I must shift my perspective and look with wonder at the miracle and truth that wealth and money love me as much as I love them and will therefore be attracted to me. So far that is working for me. That frame of mind is still a bit new to me, but it is beginning to feel sturdier and more reliable. And I adamantly declare it to be true many, many times each day. Along with “money comes to me from sources both known and unknown.” And “there is enough and more than enough for everything I need.”

So I am not making deals with God and apologize if it seemed that I was. I have simply declared and stated what I expect. In this individuated human form I am experiencing something that I have declared is over, done. And I expect support from the totality of what is – The Entire Company of Heaven, angels, archangels, God and All Energy and anything else! Because I AM that. And I am no less deserving than anyone.

I have also let go of the idea of healing. If I am Whole Complete and Perfect, then healing is a contradiction. And while I am still chewing on the logic of this, I do continue to believe that it is true. I think it can be dangerous to keep thinking that we keep uncovering layers of damage that needs to be healed. You know how much healing work I’ve done. So now I believe I must see myself as Whole – father/mother/child, mental/emotional/spiritual/etheric – I am not a bunch of separate entities or separate energies, I AM Whole. I think the world must somehow come to that realization as well.

Anyway, I apologize for going on and on. I must have needed to make these declarations in writing for some reason because I know none of this is news to you! So thank you for being a catalyst for my affirmations of my truths. And thank you for being patient with my rantings!

And if you have any time to simply have dinner with me, please, please let me know. I would LOVE to see you!!!!

Love always, my dear friend..

I’m so glad to share this conversation with all of you. And always remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren Nelson

Our Relationship With God

2 WomenI recently sent out a message to my friends and clients letting them know that I will be making a trip to Los Angeles June 21-23. I received a response from a dear friend of mine, and I asked her if I could share our conversation here on my blog. She readily agreed. I think many of you will enjoy and perhaps, gain value from it:

Hi, Maren…

Unfortunately, Robert (my roommate) moved back home to Northern California, which created a blessed crisis for me.

When he moved in with me I told God that Robert was my final roommate, that by the time he was ready to move on I would no longer need a roommate. Well, when he was ready to move on, I was not ready to afford this place on my own…which pissed me off. So I simply told God that enough is enough. I’m tired of waiting. I’m done. It’s now or never, increased income or no increased income. So I took a leap of faith and have not gotten another roommate. Instead I committed to creating Cindra’s Studio in my second bedroom that I was renting out. And believe me, I deliberately run the loop of your voice reciting that quote:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. …The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. … Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

I may not get the quote entirely correct, but I retained the essential parts and I challenged God to make it so for me. Not just everyone else, not just in a quote, but for ME. It’s time. I’m done waiting for a better life, for more freedom. It needs to be now, and this was my clear message of exactly what form my “leap of faith” was to take.

As you know, I’ve been working on “launching” my business for goodness knows how long and it’s still not up and running, it’s still not bringing in any income. So I’m pinching every penny in order to compensate for the loss of the income from a roommate. At the same time, I’m putting aside any little bit of extra money that comes my way in order to be able to hire a business coach so that I can break the cycle of future-thinking and create my business in present reality now.

All that to explain why I can’t afford to do a session with you right now. I can’t believe the timing on this.


I understand Cindra. No problem.

It seems that I’ve heard you share that at times you are angry with God because you feel you are not supported in the fulfillment of your dreams. I’d like to share some ideas I have that may help your journey. I hope they will.

I do not believe that God is an individualized being with individualized perceptions, judgments, and emotions. Even the word God seems to infer an individualized being. The only reason I use it is that it is a word most people use and understand to be a Higher Power or the Great Spirit.

I’ve started reading “A Course in Miracles” again and am reminded that God does not recognize our belief in separation from each other, All That Is, and Him. This Great Spirit shares with us All That Is and All That We Are with only the pure truth of Love. Our perceptions of lack stem from the belief in separation and in God’s eyes, does not exist.

However, in our Earthly experiences in these physical bodies, with our beliefs, perceptions and judgments, sometimes we do experience lack. According to the Course, it is not God who creates our experience of lack, but ourselves. I don’t believe that to be angry with God and make deals with God is going to help. It is within ourselves and our minds that the change needs to happen.

Believe me, I’m right there with you in working to correct my mind of the belief in separation and lack. Most things in this world seem to tell us they are real, i.e.: our bodies and all that seems to exist outside of us.

I do know, however, that we are not alone, and that we have powerful assistance to make this correction of the mind. Some people would refer to this as the Holy Spirit. It is that divine connection we have that exists within us and also around us as Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and angels. I like to think of this as the Voice for God.

Perhaps, as you and I ask for assistance to heal our minds, we will come to know there is no separation or lack as God knows it. And through that, we will come to know and experience in this world, the abundance and love that is meant for all of us.

I share this with you with love, my dear friend. Maren

This is the first part to our conversation. I will be posting part 2 very shortly. Cindra’s response is beautiful. As always, remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren Nelson

Awareness is Half the Battle

Lightbulb over headMost of us live our lives based on beliefs that began when we were young or that were passed onto us by other people including our parents, families, teachers, friends, media, religious institutions, governments and other organizations. Many of us are not even consciously aware of what some of these beliefs are, or if we are aware, we do not question them.

When you begin to consciously work on yourself and your emotions, the first step on this journey is awareness. You begin to question what you think you know and what you have been taught. You do not follow blindly what others tell you. This takes courage and commitment to yourself and to know truth or even to admit that perhaps, you don’t know all the answers.

When you question what’s going on internally through this conscious awareness, that’s half the battle. Once you truly know yourself at this deep, profound level, there are plenty of tools and information that you can use to help yourself shift your beliefs and learn how to see and understand things in a new way.

I encourage you to begin this journey in self-discovery and to always remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren Nelson

My book, Ride the Emotional Wave, is available

Sorry it’s been a while since my last post. However, I’ve been diligently working on completing my book, “Ride the Emotional Wave”. For those who contributed to my funding project, you will be receiving your rewards (including autographed copies) by the end of the month of March, 2013. I will also be listing you on my website in the next few days as a special “Thank you”.

There have been many of my blog readers who have shown a strong interest in what I’ve shared over the past few years concerning emotional mastery. I have heard from thousands of individuals who have shared the posts with friends, family, acquaintances and their social networks including:

  • Business owners with employees and employees with each other
  • Parents with their children and children with their parents
  • Doctors, nurses, therapists, healers, practitioners of all different healing modalities with their clients/patients
  • Teachers from alternative healing schools and various metaphysical backgrounds who have used them as teaching tools and discussions with their students
  • Ministers and other church officials from various religious and non-denominational affiliations.

“Ride the Emotional Wave” is the one source to learn the fundamentals of emotional mastery and how to get there. You will discover information and step-by-step exercises you can use on your own with stories as examples to help you understand the different points. I also share descriptions of several various healing techniques that can help you on your journey.

As you can see, you can connect to Amazon from this website to order your paperback copy. It will be available in e-book at a very minimal investment through several different companies such as Kindle, Nook, etc. very soon. I’ll keep you all posted.

Blessings, Maren Nelson



Temptation Can Make Us Stronger






I read in a book called The Power of the Kabbalah about temptation. The author tells a story of three men who are tempted and asks the question, “Which man grew the most from the experience of temptation?”

The first version of the story is that a rich man accidentally leaves his wallet at an open café. A poor man finds the wallet. He opens it and finds $300 along with the owners name and address. He immediately does the right thing and returns the wallet to the owner.

The second version of the story is that again the rich man accidentally leaves his wallet at an open café. Another poor man finds the wallet. He opens it and finds the $300, takes the money and leaves the wallet at the café.

The third version follows that the rich man leaves the wallet at the cafe. The third poor man finds the wallet, opens it to find the money and the owners name and address. He takes the money and leaves the wallet at the café. This time however, briefly after he walks away with the money, he feels guilty and returns the money to the wallet and returns the wallet with the money to the owner.

The first time I heard this story, I thought it must be the man who was not even tempted to take the money for himself who grew the most. However, it was the man who was tempted and then, returned the money who had the most powerful experience of overcoming temptation.

There are times in life when we will be tempted. It’s not the fact that we are tempted that decides whether a situation is evil or not. It’s what we choose to do in the end where we will experience the most growth. Temptations can make us stronger.

As always, remember your passion.

Blessings, Maren Nelson

Magic: Tis the Season

MagicianThe other day I was talking to my friend, Nancy, and she said to me, “Do you feel sometimes like you can do magic?” Although I had a feeling about why she was questioning this, I asked her, “What do you mean?”

“You know, like when you know things before they happen…Or when you think about someone and they call or you run into them somewhere.”

I hesitated and then answered with, “I’m not sure how to answer that…” I hesitated again and looked at her. “If you’re talking about how the world says those kinds of experiences are strange or unnatural, the answer is ‘yes’. If you’re talking about how I really see them, the answer is ‘no’.

“A Course In Miracles would say those experiences are natural, and when we’re not experiencing them, it means something has gone wrong.”

Because we are all One and we are connected to All That Is, we have these experiences. The more we clear ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, the more frequently these experiences happen.

When we heal our minds of limiting beliefs and misperceptions about how we see and experience the world, the walls we have created that lead to separation dissolve. We get to see and experience the magic of life and love with a “Beginner’s Mind.”

We can experience the greatest magic of all as we share ourselves with others during this season of renewal. Remember your passion in this New Year.

Blessings, Maren Nelson