The Miracle of Love

Are you in need of a miracle this holiday season?

Have you thought about miracles you can share?

During this season of giving, create a space in your life for miracles.

The greatest miracle of all is the love that inspires them.

Guidance is always available for you to know how. You only need to ask.

Be a miracle worker.

 “I am here only to be truly helpful.

I am here to represent Him Who sent me.

I do not have to worry about what to say or what

  to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.

I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing

He goes there with me.

I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.” ~ACIM

And as always, live you passion,

Maren Nelson

Choose Love for the Holidays

Have you noticed when you have a breakthrough with your emotional healing and remember love, the people closest to you can feel it?

Others will be affected by your positive energy when you shift your perceptions from fear to love.

We are truly never healed alone!

Fear based perceptions and the feelings that follow from them, carry a very low vibration. You can feel the heaviness in your body. You feel constricted and closed off from the present moment and other people. They may sense your energy, and there’s a good chance they will feel repelled by it and pull away from you.

When you choose to heal emotionally and shift old, limiting perceptions from fear to love, the frequency of your emotions raise. You have more energy as this awakening increases your life-force. You feel open and receptive, and you see things more clearly. You are more present to life and trusting in the moment. Now you make healthier, more loving choices about how you choose to behave and live.

As we come into the holiday season, share your higher vibrations of love, peace, and joy with the world. When people experience your light, it will remind them of their own, and you will help others remember they can choose love too.

And as always, live your passion.

Maren Nelson

My Anger Weakens Me

Do you use anger as a defense?

Have you noticed when you use anger to try to protect or defend yourself how your energy drops?

Anger carries a much lower vibration or frequency than love.

You give your power to the person or thing you are angry with. Your focus and energy are being wasted on what you don’t want, instead of what you do.

Apologize where you need to and reclaim your power, your life-force. Feel it come back to you where it rightfully belongs.

If it is used properly, anger can be used as a motivating force and can help you move forward where you might not otherwise. However, if you choose to hold onto your anger as a reactive defense, you lose power.

Practice communicating more clearly what you feel and want from love.

Trust yourself that you can take care of yourself.

And always live your passion.

Maren Nelson

Breathe and Receive!

Have you found yourself more tired than normal after months of carrying stress?

Do you have a place and space that you can let yourself feel and express that pent up energy to clear it?

Sometimes people become desensitized to the emotional baggage and stuck energy they have been carrying for months, years, and even lifetimes. It’s exhausting, and they don’t even know they are still carrying it. It is blocking their ability to live life fully and freely. They don’t know they can let it go to truly live.

When you free up and clear that heavy burden of emotional stress, your clarity and creativity will open up, and your life-force energy will increase. You will be more present to life as you release the past and your fear-based perceptions and feelings.

Breathe, and receive the gift of life!

Contact me here for more information about private sessions for Breathwork, emotional coaching, and my Breathwork training – all online for now. I would love to share this transformational process to assist you in creating the life you want.

And, as always, remember your passion, and live it!

Maren Nelson

How to Use Emotions as Your Guide

How well do you know your emotions?

Have you tried to use them to help guide yourself in your life?

They can be your road signs to know what you should do in any situation.

When something happens and you feel a positive or negative charge in your body, that is your signal to pay attention. Your emotions are telling you what is right or wrong for you.

Really the only two emotions are love and fear. All of the other ones fall under one of these two categories.

Let’s say something happens and you have an emotional response to it. If that feeling comes under the category of love, such as joy, openness, lightness and oneness, you know you’re on the right track; this is something that resonates with your best self, which is love.

Go for it!

If you have an emotional response based in fear such anger, frustration, repulsion, and sadness, you know it is not in alignment with your highest good.

Take responsibility for your feelings and decide what you really want. Is it fear or love?

Instead of reacting from old wounds, act from a conscious place.

Let your emotions guide you.

That’s why they are there for you.

And remember to live your passion.

Maren Nelson

You Are as God Created You

I have been helping many of my clients work through shifting how they see themselves, or their self-identity.

Correcting how you see yourself is a key to healing many life-long disorders and dysfunctions.

You may have identified with beliefs that you created at birth and early childhood. You believe at an unconscious level that is what you are. Because you weren’t capable of understanding things the way an adult does, you developed irrational beliefs that were pushed into your subconscious and run your life as an adult. You have identified with them. Your ego has taken on a false identity. You continue to act out of these limiting beliefs and behaviors, later in life, reinforcing the negative beliefs, which were never real to begin with.

Some of these beliefs are passed on ancestrally and through your DNA.

You wonder why the same experiences keep happening, or why you keep attracting the same kind of abusive people, not realizing you are drawing them in from these unconscious beliefs.

Because the beliefs are so ingrained you don’t know that anything you do or say or think will never change the fact you are as God created you.

Your ego will tell you these beliefs and behaviors can’t be changed. They are who you are.

I promise you, they are not!

You are as God created you.

Know that you can shift your perceptions about yourself, and remember your Self as God created you.

Ask God and your Spirit Guides to help you to see yourself differently.

Ask them to help you to see yourself as God sees you.

Remember to Live Your Passion,

Maren Nelson

Remember to Breathe!

What is the first thing you do when you are afraid?

You hold your breath.

What’s the first you do when you feel strong and in your power?

You take a deep breath.

Breathing is a metaphor for how you live your life.

Become aware of anytime you catch yourself holding your breath.

When you do, train yourself to take a deep breath.

Make it a habit so that it becomes automatic.

Whenever you hold your breath, you are pushing fear and toxins down into your body where they become trapped in your cells. That negative, toxic energy congests over time and puts stress on your body. Eventually, your body will break down with disease.

Whenever you take a deep breath, you are taking in life-force energy, or prana, which forces out anything of a lower energy such as toxins, along with perceptions and emotions based in fear.

The breath will oxygenate your blood and organs, and strengthen your immune system.

Remember to breathe, and fill your lungs with the gift of life!

Blessings to you, and your loved ones and friends during this time of rapid changes.

Check out my online Breathwork sessions, Emotional Coaching, and other online services.

I’m available to support you emotionally during this time of crisis.

And remember to live your passion,

Maren Nelson

Riding the Emotional Wave

Have you felt like you have been on an emotional roller coaster the past two months with the pandemic?

Or have you utilized this time to use for quiet and to dive into your emotions to heal?

For a limited time, I am still offering Online Breathwork Sessions and Online Spiritual Guidance Readings for just $50 a session. I will be raising my prices back to $140 for In Person in Phoenix and for Online Sessions. I come to Los Angeles periodically, and I will be going back to $185 a session. I will honor any packages at the $50 rate for people who have prepaid for sessions in advance. Get your package for sessions now before this offer runs out.

To assist you to navigate these changing times, here is a section from my book, Ride the Emotional Wave: How to Create Wealth, Health and Love Through Emotional Mastery:

When I think of emotions, I think of their similarity with water: there are ebbs and flows…sometimes calm and quiet, sometimes wild and out of control. Some people are flooded with emotions while others have learned to live with a drought.

When I think of emotional mastery, I think of a surfer who goes out for the first time to learn to “ride the wave”. She rests on the water, waiting for that perfect swell. Then, she paddles out wildly to try to meet it. She gets on top of her board and tries to control it…the water rises…she feels a momentary rush of energy run through her body…and CRASH!!!…she plummets into the depths. Hurt, but still hopeful, she tries again. As she struggles to her feet, she feels her board wobble on this next wave. She tries to control it again…and…down she goes!

If he keeps at it, he gradually gets the hang of things. He allows others “in the know” to guide him in the process. Now, when he goes out on the water to surf, he looks ahead and sees that perfect wave. With strength, purpose and direction, he swims toward his goal. His legs have developed so that as he steps onto the board, he can better maneuver it as he feels the water rise under him. He no longer tries to control his experience but knows how to ride it through. He works with it. He feels exhilarated as he realizes he and the water are one. He has learned to master the wave!

Learning to work with your emotions is just like this. When you first start out, you’re bound to get knocked around a bit. As the floodgates open, the gush of suppressed emotions from a lifetime may feel overwhelming. However, as you keep going, it gets easier.

As you become more and more clear, you trust your emotional guidance system. Your eyes and your heart are open, and you make better choices. The old drama gradually disappears as you remember you can choose peace instead of conflict. You are aware of the daily miracles being sent your way often in places you never expected. Your emotions add the color and flavor to life and, now, you relish them. I encourage you on your journey. Remember your passion!

Best, Maren Nelson

The Importance of Breathing During the Pandemic Crisis!

What is the first thing you do when you are afraid?

You hold your breath.

What’s the first you do when you feel strong and in your power?

You take a deep breath.

Breathing is a metaphor for how you live your life.

Become aware of anytime you catch yourself holding your breath.

Start training yourself to take a deep breath, when you do.

Make it a habit so that it becomes automatic.

Whenever you hold your breath, you are pushing fear and toxins down into your body to a cellular level.

Whenever you take a deep breath, you are taking in life-force energy, or prana which forces out anything of a lower energy such as toxins and fear.

The breath will oxygenate your blood and organs, and strengthen your immune system.

Remember to breathe and fill your lungs with the gift of life!

Blessings to you and yours during this time of rapid changes.

Check out my online Breathwork sessions and other online services. My rates are drastically reduced to support you during the pandemic crisis.

Live your passion.

Maren Nelson

This Is a Year of Miracles!!

Welcome to a whole new decade!

To set the foundation for this decade, I’m dedicating my life to right action in 2020.

Right action includes these intentions:

I release my past and every belief that it represents who I am.

I let go of every belief about what the world is.

I choose to see myself as God sees me.

I now know it is safe to let go of control and to trust myself.

Because I trust myself, I now I claim my power for the highest good.

This year I will share my heart with more compassion and wisdom than ever before.

I will see my humanity mirrored in others.

I will remember we are all in this together.

I will keep in mind that our goal is God.

This year, I will express a greater level of self-love than ever before.

I will allow the love that shines through me to bless the world.

With this proclamation, I set in motion the energy to draw to me all manner of incidents, meetings and material assistance necessary to achieve my goal to share my love with the world.

I will honor those times when it is right to do nothing but to trust the universal laws of creation and allow it to unfold.

I know with certainty that nature supports right action. I know that heaven and earth will move to support me. I will see miracles unfold around me every day.

This is a year of miracles!

Remember to live your passion, my friend. May God bless you in the New Year.

Maren Nelson